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Engage Artists Agency 858-848-9558

Engage Artists Agency 858-848-9558

6 Foot

175 Pounds



Love-Craft Steven Directed by Michael Beardsley (Post-Production)
Super Inappropriate Mardi-Gras / Martin McGraw Directed by Tehana Weeks
Truth Be Told Geoff Directed by Phillip Darlington
Bucky Peter Directed by Geoffrey Gould
Blue Hollywood Henri Directed by Francesco Gabriele
Frankenstein: IAWP Marco Greakenthaus Directed by Jeff Leroy
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Lord Nathaniel Directed by B. Luciano Barsuglia
The Table Read Jack Hammer Directed by Chris Valenti & Dawn Bower
Speedwriting Greg McCarthey Directed by Michael Russnow
Shake It Off Joe Six-Pack Directed by Brian Petillo
Found Mike Directed by Jiang Jiang
Kiddnapped Hank Directed by Wayne Orkline
Coincidence Smarmy Boss Directed by Jiang Jiang
Dracula's Sorority Sisters Murdock Directed by Jeff Leroy
Boss Man's Crew Steve Directed by Yousif Nasr
Water into Wine The Tax Collector Directed by João Kowalski
A Cold Day in Hell Bill Directed by Jan Pfeiffer
The Council Joy Directed by Beau McCombs
Fast, Cheap & Out of Control Mark Stevenson Directed by Troy Johnson
UntouchaBall Josh Directed by Raquel Bordin
Bloody Mary Vampire Playwright Directed by João Kowalski
Lizzie Borden's Revenge Bobby Baker Directed by Dennis Devine
For the Birds Marv Directed by Artin Aroutounians
She Wants Me Nerdy Man Directed by Rob Margolies
Garbage Paparazzo Directed by Phil Volken
Happy Hour Shawn Directed by Chen Huang
Don't Shoot the Angel Ray Coppola Directed by Max Li
Rumble and Humble Pie Chris Directed by Terence Abdin
Modern Triptych George Directed by Rance Collins
Blind Date Andrew Directed by Alan Shinkman
The Slinging Kraken Harry Esposito Directed by Daniel O'Brien
Bathroom Creepy Guy Directed by James Collins
Get Inside Ralph Directed by Roland Nyoth
The Conversation Guy Directed by Amit Ghildiyal
My Darling Ranchero Mike Directed by Nicole Yuhas
Convicted Gale Moss Directed by Irawati Athalye
Fluff & Fold Boyfriend Directed by Sharad Bhatt
Heart vs. Hormone Shy Guy Directed by Vihang Walve
Hard Body Joe Directed by James Mason
Alice in Nephernalia Micah Knightingsley Directed by Amir "Speck" Habibi
Gameday Adam Directed by Bruno Marchini
Hello, Benjamin? Sam J. Peters Directed by Irawati Athalye
Bed Joey Directed by Michael Portal
Broken Hearts Anonymous Randal Foster Directed by Jaz Kalkat
Johnson Orderly Directed by Sean Leo
Janet 120 Harry Potter Geek Directed by Jennifer Thompson
Love is Deaf Frank Waltz Directed by Troy Johnson
Satan VHS Steve Directed by Amir "Speck" Habibi
Mitzy Steven Directed by Rachel Olson
The Joker Unfortunate Friend Directed by Alexis Lormeau
Meet Me in Space Jerry/Gerald Rocket Directed by Felicia Robles
Patrick's First Party Patrick Directed by Ryan Johnson
The Stupid Killer Wannabe Serial Killer Directed by Hiroshi Yamano
Passion Schizophrenic/Actor Directed by Koji Sugawara
Bob Smith Birthday Party Dad Directed by Adam Wayne
Circles Rink Employee Directed by Mitchell DeQuilettes
Stalker The Stalker Directed by Kevin Thomas
The Great Office Battle IT Warrior Directed by Jaime Nelson
Diva Supreme The Coffee Drinker Directed by Kevin Thomas
Once Upon a Time in LA Angel Edwards Directed by Paul Garcia
Nirvana Girl Randy Directed by Amritpal Bindra
A Delivery Man Steve Directed by Laila Kulungu
Smile Randy Directed by Jamie Nelson
Teh Guild Teh Guild Leader/God Directed by David Slagle
The Fourth Man Kevin Directed by Seth Donald
Pick A Date Bachelor #2 Directed by Hayley Coyne
Gun in the Bag The Ex-Boyfriend Directed by Hiroshi Yamano
Chemistry Jack Directed by Padlo Selener
As You Wish Roger Directed by Gowtham Bachina
Wife Jonathan Directed by Mark Pomerville
Marble Game Roy Directed by Eugenio de Benedetti
Hongry Fred from Ohio Directed by James Cheeks III
In the Blink of an Eye Mouth Directed by Matt Eisenberg Harvey Directed by Jason Montgomery
Reverse Psychology James Davis Directed by J.M. Johnson
Man-Away David Directed by Rich Owens
Misdemeanor Revenge Pie Guy Directed by Jenny Cho
Blood Wedding The Bridegroom Directed by Veena Hariharan
In and Out of My Head Michael/Alex Directed by Jenny Cho
Almost Impossible Steve Directed by Ye Haung
The Great Venice Robbery Photographer Directed by Phil Volken
Among the Dead Ulcer Macabre Directed by Kevin Barth
Dreamcatcher Depressed Guy Directed by Michael Beardsley
Out of Town Scott Directed by Eugene Buica
Chain of Souls Lance Directed by Steve Jarvis
Dude, Where's My Car? Cult Member Directed by Danny Leiner
Bloodstream Sammy Barton Directed by Dennis Devine
Patsy The Patsy Directed by Matt Smith
John's Keys The Artist Directed by Shaun Peterson
Zenith Run Enderson Episode 5 (Guest Star - 2020)
Pop & Spin Martin Episode 3 (Guest Star - 2020)
Surreal Estates James Walberg Pilot - 2018 (series regular)
Heat of the Beat Detective Pilot - 2017 (series regular)
Coitus of the Week Michael Fluffer Pilot - 2015 (series regular)
Heavenly Kingdom Joey the Simple Swimmer Pilot - 2015
In the Wind's Eye Ray Smith Iranian TV - Channel 1
Just Desserts Barista Steve Pilot - 2008
Small Bits of Happiness Thomas Nehauer Pilot - 2007
Dharma & Greg Toby 20th Century Fox TV (ABC)
Freaks and Geeks Humphries Dreamworks Television (NBC)
Tiger Vesus Shark Gary/Charles Darwin Webseries (2016)
Get Spy Tom Mundy Webseries (2015-2016)
WMM Sketch Show Various Characters Webseries (2014-2016)
Broadstrokes Dr. Who Webseries (2014)
Super Secret Service Michael Webseries (2012)
Sky Woman Bruce Webseries (2012)
Bad Advice Michael Beardsley Webseries (2011)
D Don't Date Creepy Richard Webseries (2009-2010)
Oh It's Those Guys Jeff Webseries (2008)
CERT Training Video Impalement Victim Directed by Vincent Neill
xHamster - "The Relax Room" Jack Mehoff Directed by Matthew Herrier
IIS Insurence Nerd Directed by Incorporated Services
Holliday Inn Express Dental Patient Directed by Breht Gardner
Chevy Cruze - "Stowaway Cruze" Jimmy Directed by Paul Dimalanta
Brentwood Village - Website Husband Directed by Rowby Goren
Fox Rent-A-Car - Fox Choice Mr. Wiggins Directed by Gary Stergis
Keep it Klean - TV Spot Doctor Directed by Al Franklin
Ironweed - Internet Campaign Political Lighweight Directed by Abbie McConnell
Sane Asylum: Fifty Shades of Parody Various Characters The Lounge Theatre, Los Angeles
Better Host/The Man in White Founders Free Health Fair & Block Party
Sane Asylum: Halloween Show Various Characters The Lounge Theatre, Los Angeles
Sane Asylum: Another Sketch Show Various Characters The Lounge Theatre, Los Angeles
Sane Asylum: Totally Committed Various Characters The Second City, Los Angeles
Sane Asylum: Homeland Insecurity Various Characters Acme Theater, Los Angeles
Turning Points Andrew Stone Chautauqua Festival, Santa Cruz
Adout Face Subconscious Chautauqua Festival, Santa Cruz
Vic & Peri Elvis Chautauqua Festival, Santa Cruz
Farewell to Manzanar Roosevelt Traveling Production
Baba - Flight of the Monkey King Elder Brother UCSC Barn Theater, Santa Cruz
By the Dawn's Early Light Lt. Higgens UCSC Barn Theater, Santa Cruz
Bachelor of Arts in Theater University of California - Santa Cruz
Scene Study /
Cold Reading
Jamison Haase, Jackie Geary, Eugene Buica, Chris Thatcher, Amy Lyndon, Stan Roth,
David Rees Snell, Fran Montano, Philip Moon, Sarah Mornell, Carrie Dobro, Antonia Lianos,
Michael Arabian, Al Guarino, Lee Breuer, Marcia Taylor-Croft, Ursula Neuerberg
Meisner Technique Eugene Buica, Chris Thatcher, Fran Montano
Michael Chekhov Technique Eugene Buica, Chris Thatcher
Improvisation Lisa Fredrickson, Michelle Spears, David Nathan Schwartz, Floyd Van Brunswick, Lauren Pritchrd
Commercial Technique Jon Smet, Jan Bina, Alexia Robinson
Movement Brenda Wong Aoki
"Working in the theatre has a lot in common with unemployment." ARTHUR GINGOLD

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